Calltronics offers technical support services of the highest caliber. Calltronics ensures integrated 24/7 support, personalized technical support services with state-of-the-art technologies. Calltronics also provides high quality technical support services which are delivered at a quick ‘turnaround time’
Financial Account Outsourcing
Large businesses as well as small can benefit from our audit and assurance services. Due to the nature of our business, we are able to offer a lower price than many of the larger firms. However, our auditing staff is highly qualified and we offer the same value as the larger firms. So, stop paying unreasonably high auditing cost and boost your business bottom line by having your audit done by the professionals at Calltronics.
Calltronics also provides high quality technical support solutions which are delivered at a quick turnaround time.
+ Enterprise Support Solutions
Successful use of changing technology involves training and documentation, implementation and support all, which we can provide to your company in an expert and cost-efficient manner. With our expertise, our Enterprise Support Solutions give you the competitive advantage your business needs to trim operating costs, increase employee productivity, and increase the efficiency of your internal operations.
+ Content Development Solutions
Whether your company needs a single resource or a managed team, we bring extensive experience to the development of your company’s materials for on-line and off-line environments.
User Guide& Training Material Development
Project Plan & Technical Specifications
On-line Help and Web Based Documentation Systems
+ E – Technology Solutions
In today’s world, the Internet is an indispensable means of communication and delivery. Calltronics delivers single source, expertise needed to deliver comprehensive design and development solutions, ranging from custom designs and web copy writing to integrate the latest database and internet technologies. Calltronics expertise can assist you in this critical area of customer communication.
Interface & Web Copy Writing
Database & Custom Program Development